List Builder
Build targeted
mailing lists
Save time and money by connecting with the right creatives, the first time. List Builder allows you to create highly targeted mailing lists in just minutes.
Try for free

Criteria Builder
Find exactly who you are looking for
You can add contacts as you come across them in our Directory Search, or you can enter your criteria in List Builder and a list will be created for you automatically.

Automatic Updates
Build your list once and leave the rest to us
With how quickly things can change, it can be hard to keep up. But you don’t have to. Our constant research keeps our Directory up-to-date, and that means every list you create is always right.

No Duplications
Never again email the same person twice by mistake
We automatically scan all your lists for duplicates to make sure each contact only appears once prior to sending email promos or printing mailing labels.

Label Printing
Print USPS compliant mailing labels in seconds
Take your mailing lists and put them to work. With List Builder, you can automatically print mailing labels. In any standard size and ready for the USPS.
"I've used the Agency Access Creative Directory and List Builder for 2 years. They have a lot a relevant children and lifestyle brands that I wouldn't think to search for myself. I really like the List Builder feature that casts a wide net on the specialities I want to focus on, then I can click to view the company website/appropriate creative contacts and then cherry pick who I want to add to the list."